Amateur Radio

I am a no-code Technician-class amateur radio operator. Callsign is KD7OAB.


I'm not very good at the so-called "rag chewing" that happens on amateur radio, so my interests focus more on the technical side.

I'm interested in using amateur radio to supplement emergency communications ("EmComm") during major events. I'm currently a member of the City of Everett's Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) group, callsign WA7ACS.

I've recently learned about a new type of radio called "DMR" (Digital Mode Radio). Since it is so much different than "traditional," analog radio, there is a bit of a learning curve, and I've been enjoying the education.


As mentioned earlier, I am interested in DMR. I have a B-Tech DMR-6X2 handheld. I also have an openSPOT2 hotspot that allows me to connect to various radio networks over the internet.

I also have a couple of analog Baofeng UV-82HP handhelds, and an AnyTone AT-5888UV in my car.